Hope United: Bringing Hope and Healing to Springfield Township

In the face of the devastating drug and alcohol epidemics that have affected countless individuals and families across the United States, Hope United, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, stands as a beacon of hope and support. Founded in February 2016 by Shelly and Travis Bornstein, Hope United has dedicated itself to addressing the challenges posed by addiction through education, awareness, and fostering a healthy recovery community. This nonprofit has its roots in the deeply personal experience of the Bornstein family, who tragically lost their son, Tyler, to an overdose at the age of 23. Their journey towards healing and giving hope to others led to the establishment of Hope United, guided by three core pillars: Education, Support, and Recovery.

The Three Pillars of Hope United

Education: Hope United is committed to spreading awareness about the opioid crisis and the disease of addiction. The organization has been actively engaged in educating businesses and communities, both locally and nationally, about the realities and challenges of addiction.

Support: Recognizing the profound impact of addiction on families, Hope United offers support groups to aid recovery and provide solace for those affected. The Well grief support group, initiated in 2016, serves families who have lost loved ones to addiction or overdose. Additionally, Loving With Grace is a family support group designed to assist family members with loved ones in active addiction or recovery.

Recovery: A significant milestone in Hope United's journey is the establishment of Tyler's Redemption Place, a Recovery Community Organization (RCO) located in Lakemore, Ohio. An RCO is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting local recovery communities. Tyler's Redemption Place seeks to fill a crucial gap in services by offering long-term aftercare and recovery support services. It operates as a Peer Run Organization, certified by Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services, and will become a Summit County ADM service provider in August 2023. Additionally, Hope United has earned the designation of a Recovery Friendly Workplace in Summit County.

A Vision Realized: Tyler's Redemption Place

Construction of Tyler's Redemption Place was completed in January 2023, and Hope United took occupancy in February of the same year. This facility serves as a hub for holistic recovery, offering peer recovery support, life skills classes, fitness and wellness services, and community-focused activities that encompass the well-being of the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. March 2023 marked the beginning of meetings and events hosted at Tyler's Redemption Place, further reinforcing Hope United's commitment to long-term recovery and community well-being.

A Personal Connection to Springfield Township

Hope United Founders, Travis and Shelly Bornstein, have deep roots in Springfield Township. Both graduated from Springfield High School, with Shelly's childhood home located near the site of Tyler's Redemption Place. This area held special meaning for them, and when they felt compelled to make a difference in the fight against addiction, they knew Springfield Township was where they wanted to focus their efforts. Drawing inspiration from the historical use of the property – once home to the Sunshine Cottages and Edwin Shaw Hospital, built to combat the tuberculosis epidemic of its time – Hope United aims to address the drug and alcohol epidemics that currently plague the community.

How to Support Hope United

Those interested in connecting with Hope United and supporting their cause can visit their website at www.hopeunited.life. The organization is active on social media platforms, including Facebook (@hopeunited.life), Instagram (@hopeunited.life), and LinkedIn (@hopeunited.life).

Hope United offers numerous opportunities for individuals to get involved through their time, donations, or talents. Interested parties can visit: www.hopeunited.life/getinvolved page on their website to volunteer, lead a group, make a donation, or become a monthly donor. Several Facebook groups cater to specific needs, including Tyler's Redemption Place, The Well grief support group, and the Loving With Grace family support group.

The Vision for the Next 5 Years

Hope United envisions Springfield Township becoming a place of hope, where individuals and families impacted by addiction can readily access the support and resources they need. The organization hopes to see long-term, sustained recovery become the norm, with the entire community rallying around those affected. Ultimately, Hope United aims to break down the stigmas surrounding addiction and foster an environment of love and compassion within the community.

Gratitude and Community Support

Hope United's journey has been marked by the incredible generosity of various individuals, organizations, and businesses. Notably, the construction of Tyler's Redemption Place was made possible through generous donations from Teamsters Unions across the United States and Canada, who pledged nearly $1.4 million in support. This historic act of kindness showcased the power of collective action in addressing addiction.

Furthermore, Hope United extends its gratitude to the many families and businesses that have organized fundraisers and donated their services to the cause. These contributions have been instrumental in running programs and sustaining the nonprofit. As Tyler's Redemption Place continues to expand its services, community support will play a pivotal role in achieving its vision.

Join the Journey of Hope

Hope United and Tyler's Redemption Place invite everyone to join their journey of hope, healing, and recovery. With a strong commitment to making a positive impact in Springfield Township and beyond, this nonprofit is poised to continue making a difference in the lives of those affected by addiction. Tyler's Redemption Place is now open for meetings and events, and the community is encouraged to explore their online calendar at: www.hopeunited.life/tysplace to stay informed about upcoming events and activities.

In a world battling the scourge of addiction, Hope United stands as a testament to the power of compassion, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of hope. Together, we can create a brighter future for individuals and families impacted by addiction, and make Springfield Township a place where hope truly thrives.


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